0 - 0 |
La Rochelle F.C. |
(FT)' |
Charenton-le-Pont forest |
Match ID : 30003653 |
Date : 21/08/2024 (17:00 UTC) |
Venue : La Rochelle F.C. Stadium |
Weather Forecast : Wet |
Attendance : 7000 |
Competition : League(B-1) |
But Firmin Beaulieu couldn't direct it goalwards ... He hung his head in shame for missing what was such an easy chance. |
3' |
Poor corner kick delivered by Morgan Sargent that went straight to the opposition. |
8' |
Odilon Blanc tried for goal from the freekick. But he hit it not high enough to get over the wall. |
21' |
Mathias Blanc lifted the corner kick into the area but it was cleared by the opposition. |
The ball went clean over the bar ... He was angry with himself for missing that chance. |
It went close from Firmin Beaulieu ... He should never have missed that one. |
45' |
Firmin Beaulieu took the corner kick but it was too high for anyone to reach it. |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The referee blew for the end of the half which and we are all square. .La Rochelle F.C. maintained 56% of possession and 44% for Charenton-le-Pont forest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
But Frank Foss couldn't direct it goalwards ... It was an epic miss. |
55' |
Frank Foss attempted to loft the ball to a team-mate but it was a poor ball as he was under pressure from Humbert Favager. |
But Frank Foss put it wide of the goal ... He's kicked himself for missing that chance. |
But Frank Foss sent it far too high ... He was disappointed with that glaring miss. |
87' |
Poor corner kick by Mathias Blanc. He sent the corner straight to the opposition. |
88' |
Lucr?ce Tasse made an attempt to direct the ball to a team-mate but he misjudged the pass as he was under pressure from Abel Cornett. |
But Abel Cornett put it high and wide ... It was a wasted opportunity. |
Statistics |
La Rochelle F.C. |
Charenton-le-Pont forest |
Shots |
10 |
2 |
Shots on target |
2 |
1 |
Long shots |
6 |
1 |
Possession |
55% |
45% |
Corners |
5 |
0 |
Offside |
0 |
0 |
Goals |
La Rochelle F.C. |
Charenton-le-Pont forest |
from Heading (include goals from corner) |
0 |
0 |
from Long shots |
0 |
0 |
from Free Kicks |
0 |
0 |
from Corners |
0 |
0 |
from Penalty |
0 |
0 |
La Rochelle F.C. |
Charenton-le-Pont forest |
Average Ability of players (AAoP) (Player Ability x ENV) |
Philosophy |
Nothing |
Creative Freedom |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Closing Down |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Marking |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Roaming |
Nothing |
Average performance of players (AAoP+Efficiency tactics) |
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