2 - 0 |
Dormans villa |
(FT)' |
Dormans city |
Match ID : 30003660 |
Date : 24/08/2024 (17:00 UTC) |
Venue : Dormans villa Stadium |
Weather Forecast : Cold |
Attendance : 7000 |
Competition : League(B-1) |
4' |
Alain Leclerc went across to take the corner but it was cut out easily by the opposition. |
Sévère Travere lost his man and found himself with plenty of room and attempted a thunderous drive. Morgan Leclerc approached too late to tackle him. |
Luc Victore lost his man and found himself with plenty of room and blasted the ball towards the top corner. Ferdinand Girard didn't read the game well enough to block it. |
25' |
Victor Chevrolet lifted the corner kick into the area but it was cleared by the opposition. |
But Aristide Reyer blazed it over the bar ... He's kicked himself for missing that chance. |
32' |
Léonce Duguay took the freekick. The wall deflected the shot and the ball went wide. |
43' |
Aldéric Dupond went across to take the corner but it was cut out easily by the opposition. |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both teams went in for their half-time break which Dormans city were unfortunate to go in behind.Dormans villa had 56% possession in the match, while Dormans city had 44%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
But Alexandre Faucher's shot was well wide as the wind swept it away from the goal ... It was a poor miss from Alexandre Faucher. He looked like he was short of match practice. |
65' |
Mathis Leclair made an attempt to deliver the ball to a team-mate but he got too much purchase on it as he was under too much pressure from Edgar Fabre. |
72' |
Alain Leclerc stepped up and struck the freekick. The ball missed to the right of the goal. |
75' |
Edgar Fabre tried to play a long ball forward but he misjudged the pass as he was under too much pressure from Mathis Leclair. |
But Paschal Leclair sent the ball high into the stands ... He should have kicked himself for missing what was such an easy chance. |
Julien Martin ran onto the ball and immediately drove the ball low towards the goal but the shot cannoned off Luc Victore. |
89' |
Bertrand Pierre swung the corner kick into the box. The goalkeeper punched the ball clear. |
Statistics |
Dormans villa |
Dormans city |
Shots |
7 |
9 |
Shots on target |
5 |
5 |
Long shots |
2 |
4 |
Possession |
52% |
48% |
Corners |
3 |
2 |
Offside |
0 |
0 |
Goals |
Dormans villa |
Dormans city |
from Heading (include goals from corner) |
0 |
0 |
from Long shots |
0 |
0 |
from Free Kicks |
0 |
0 |
from Corners |
0 |
0 |
from Penalty |
0 |
0 |
Dormans villa |
Dormans city |
Average Ability of players (AAoP) (Player Ability x ENV) |
Philosophy |
Nothing |
Creative Freedom |
Nothing |
Closing Down |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Marking |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Roaming |
Nothing |
Average performance of players (AAoP+Efficiency tactics) |
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