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  Novi Pazar F.C. (FT)' Loznica city  
Match ID : 30299547
Date : 23/11/2024 (11:00 UTC)
Venue : Novi Pazar F.C. Stadium
Weather Forecast : Drizzle
Attendance : 7000
Competition : League(D-21)
Starting Elevens
Match reports

Welcome to the match between Novi Pazar F.C. and Loznica city

2'   Ranko Stojić made an attempt to move the ball forward but Strahinja Radenković intercepted but couldn't control the ball.

3'   Marko Čukanović shielded the ball from Ratislav Čolaković and tried to curl one in from long range.
  Dragoljub Stamenović saved superbly and held the ball.

4'   A long ball was delivered by Vitomir Milovanović, David Jovičić took possession of the ball before Stefan Vrinić could reach it.
  David Jovičić unleashed a fierce drive high at goal but Vladislav Kaluđerović scrambled the ball away.

5'   Vojin Gligorijević hit a speculative effort from 30 yards but Avram Perišić cleared the ball.

7'   Poor corner kick delivered by Slavoljub Aranđelović that went straight to the opposition.

8'   Zlatoje Janić tried to dribble past Strahinja Radenković but Strahinja Radenković cleanly tackled the ball.

9'   Aleksandar Ljubinković lost the ball to Veljko Miletić's block tackle before Aleksandar Ljubinković attempted to deliver the ball.

10'   Pass by Vitomir Milovanović to Strahinja Radenković, Zlatoje Janić stretched to intercept but he couldn't reach it.
  Strahinja Radenković struck a medium range piledriver. Stefan Vrinić didn't read the game well enough to block it.
  Strahinja Radenković was close, but the ball went just over the top of the bar ... That should have been a goal.

11'   Marko Čukanović tried to play a long ball forward but Anđelko Radivojević intercepted the pass.

14'   Vitomir Milovanović attempted to lift the ball forward but it was intercepted by Stefan Vrinić.

21'   Vojin Gligorijević tried to dribble past Avram Perišić but Vojin Gligorijević lost out to Avram Perišić.

22'   Poor corner kick delivered by Nemanja Mugoša that went straight to the opposition.

23'   Anđelko Radivojević attempted to pass it high to a team-mate but Toma Mujičić did well to spot and intercept the pass.

24'   Ratislav Čolaković played a great ball for Anđelko Radivojević, Anđelko Radivojević took it in his stride before Marko Čukanović could reach it.
  Anđelko Radivojević knocked a lovely ball for Ratislav Čolaković, Ratislav Čolaković took possession of the ball before Boško Milić could reach it.
  Marko Čukanović blocked Ratislav Čolaković in a good, clean tackle before Ratislav Čolaković attempted to deliver the ball.

25'   Vojin Gligorijević dispatched the freekick goalwards. Vitomir Tomašević did well to get his fingertips to the ball and tip it wide.

27'   Aleksandar Ljubinković tried to get past Veljko Miletić but Aleksandar Ljubinković lost out to Veljko Miletić.

30'   Zlatoje Janić delivered the ball to Marko Čukanović, Marko Čukanović picked up on the ball before Ratislav Čolaković could cut it out.
  A low cross was delivered by Marko Čukanović, Anđelko Radivojević couldn't reach it.
  Ranko Stojić moved onto the ball and immediately shot for the top corner, Slavoljub Aranđelović failed to charge down the shot.
  Dragoljub Stamenović chose to punch the ball away.

31'   Stefan Vrinić picked up Zlatoje Janić's excellent ball, Vitomir Milovanović tried to move and pick up the ball but he wasn't quick enough.
  Stefan Vrinić tried to put the ball across but Strahinja Radenković cut it out easily.

33'   Anđelko Radivojević went in with a successful block tackle on Zlatoje Janić before Zlatoje Janić tried to fire in a shot at goal from long range.

35' David Jovičić had to come off injured.
Božidar Glušac replaced the injured David Jovičić.

36'   Vitomir Milovanović fired off a long shot but Marko Čukanović threw himself in front of the shot.

37'   Anđelko Radivojević tried to sprint past Boško Milić but Anđelko Radivojević lost the ball to Boško Milić's block tackle.

39'   Zlatoje Janić had shrugged off the challenge of Strahinja Radenković and unleashed a fierce drive high at goal from 40 yards.
  Brilliantly saved by Dragoljub Stamenović!.

42'   Vojin Gligorijević stepped up and struck the freekick. Brilliant saved by Vitomir Tomašević.

43'   Nemanja Mugoša sent over the freekick. But a defender jumped to block the freekick.

The teams went in for their half-time break which and we are all square. .Novi Pazar F.C. had 50% possession in the match, while Loznica city had 50%.

46'   Vojin Gligorijević tried to curl one in from long range but Aleksandar Ljubinković removed the danger.

49'   Aleksandar Ljubinković directed the ball to Avram Perišić, Avram Perišić took possession of the ball before Vojin Gligorijević could intercept.
  Avram Perišić stabbed the ball forward for a team-mate but he misjudged the pass as he had been pressured by Veljko Miletić.

50'   Vojin Gligorijević tried to lob the ball forward but he overhit the pass as he was under pressure from Avram Perišić.

51'   Ratislav Čolaković attempted to pass it high to a team-mate but he got too much purchase on it as he was under pressure from Boško Milić.

52'   Strahinja Radenković tried to chip the ball forward but Boško Milić intercepted the pass.

55'   Avram Perišić passed the ball to Aleksandar Ljubinković, Aleksandar Ljubinković trapped the ball nicely before Veljko Miletić could intercept.
  Aleksandar Ljubinković tried to pass the ball forward but Vojin Gligorijević found himself in the way of the ball.

56'   Stefan Vrinić tried to feed the ball forward to a team-mate but Veljko Miletić got in the way of the ball.

57'   Vojin Gligorijević dribbled past Aleksandar Ljubinković.
  Božidar Glušac picked up Vojin Gligorijević's excellent ball, Avram Perišić missed his interception.
  Despite the angle, Božidar Glušac flicked it goalwards but Toma Mujičić got himself between the ball and goal.

58'   Makarije Uzelac went in with a successful block tackle on Zlatoje Janić before Zlatoje Janić could take a shot from long range.

59'   Aleksandar Ljubinković dribbled confidently past Vitomir Milovanović.
  Aleksandar Ljubinković dribbled confidently past Veljko Miletić.
  Aleksandar Ljubinković moved the ball forward for Ranko Stojić, Ranko Stojić trapped the ball nicely before Vojin Gligorijević could intercept.
  Ranko Stojić played a perfect pass for Boško Milić, Slavoljub Aranđelović missed his interception.
  Shot by Boško Milić but the shot was blocked by Makarije Uzelac.

60'   Boško Milić tried a long range effort. Veljko Miletić didn't read the game well enough to block it.
  Boško Milić put it clean over the bar ... It was an epic miss.

63'   Stefan Vrinić found an opportunity to score from long range but Vitomir Milovanović closed down the space.

66'   Anđelko Radivojević hit the ball forward to Ratislav Čolaković, the ball was picked up by Ratislav Čolaković before Boško Milić could cut it out.
  Ratislav Čolaković tried a banana shot from distance! but Marko Čukanović cleared the ball to safety.

67'   Vojin Gligorijević tried to make a long pass to a team-mate but he misjudged the pass as he had been pressured by Avram Perišić.

69'   Avram Perišić fed the ball forward to Aleksandar Ljubinković, Aleksandar Ljubinković picked up on the ball before Veljko Miletić could reach it.
  Vicious shot by Aleksandar Ljubinković for the top corner from distance. Vojin Gligorijević didn't read the game well enough to block it.
  Aleksandar Ljubinković was close, but the ball went just over the top of the bar ... He should never have missed that one.

71'   Vojin Gligorijević tried to sprint past Avram Perišić but Avram Perišić cleanly tackled the ball.

73'   Veljko Miletić attempted to lob the ball forward but Avram Perišić did well to spot and intercept the pass.

74'   Marko Čukanović tried to chip the ball forward but it was a poor ball as he had been pressured by Anđelko Radivojević.

75'   Vitomir Milovanović had shrugged off the challenge of Zlatoje Janić and put some curve on the shot from long range.
  But Vitomir Milovanović put it high and wide ... He was disappointed with that glaring miss.

77'   From long range, Veljko Miletić bent the ball towards goal but Avram Perišić blocked the shot.

78'   Avram Perišić block tackled Vitomir Milovanović before Vitomir Milovanović attempted to deliver the ball.

79'   Zlatoje Janić tried to take the ball past Ratislav Čolaković but Zlatoje Janić lost the ball to Ratislav Čolaković.

81'   Aleksandar Ljubinković tried to use his skill to go past Vojin Gligorijević but Vojin Gligorijević nicked the ball from the toes of Aleksandar Ljubinković.

82'   Poor corner kick by Aleksandar Ljubinković. He sent the corner straight to the opposition.

83'   Vojin Gligorijević tried a long range effort. Aleksandar Ljubinković didn't read the game well enough to block it.
  Vitomir Tomašević did well to tip it over the bar.

84'   Veljko Miletić tried to play a long ball forward but it was a poor ball as he had been pressured by Aleksandar Ljubinković.

88'   Vojin Gligorijević laid it forward to Veljko Miletić, Veljko Miletić picked up on the ball before Avram Perišić could reach it.
  Veljko Miletić looked to play the ball long to a team-mate but he overhit the pass as he had been pressured by Aleksandar Ljubinković.

91'   Zlatoje Janić tried to knock a long ball forward but Strahinja Radenković did well to spot and intercept the pass.

End Match Novi Pazar F.C. 0 - 0 Loznica city
Match formation























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Match stats
Statistics      Novi Pazar F.C. Loznica city     
Shots 5
Shots on target 3
Long shots 3
Possession 50%
Corners 1
Offside 0

Goals      Novi Pazar F.C. Loznica city     
from Heading
(include goals from corner)
from Long shots 0
from Free Kicks 0
from Corners 0
from Penalty 0
Efficiency in selected tactics
     Novi Pazar F.C.   Loznica city     
Average Ability of players (AAoP)
(Player Ability x ENV)
Creative Freedom
Closing Down
Average performance of players
(AAoP+Efficiency tactics)
Post-match Player Stats

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