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Match info
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  Mutsamudu orient (FT)' Itsikoudi villa  
Match ID : 30772566
Date : 11/01/2025 (11:00 UTC)
Venue : Mutsamudu orient Stadium
Weather Forecast : Cold
Attendance : 7000
Competition : League(Top Level)
Starting Elevens
Match reports

Welcome to the match between Mutsamudu orient and Itsikoudi villa

1'   Yahya Shadid delivered a long ball for Riyad Bitar , Riyad Bitar took possession of the ball before Moroni Antoun could reach it.
  Riyad Bitar made an attempt to pass the ball to a team-mate but Umar Boutros came close and blocked it.

3'   Yahya Boulos played the ball past Hamid Masih to Fakih Nazari 's feet.
  Fakih Nazari tried to swing in a float cross but Ara Mansour blocked it.

7'   Nuri Ba attempted to lift the ball forward but Faisal Bazzi blocked it.

8'   Guadalupe Gerges dispatched the freekick goalwards. But he hit it too low as the wall blocked the shot.

10'   Asad Shalhoub tried to sprint past Nuri Ba but his possession is lost through a tackle by Nuri Ba .

11'   Asad Shalhoub tried to hit the ball forward to a team-mate but The ball struck Osman Tuma .

13'   Yahya Boulos tried to dribble past Ara Mansour but Yahya Boulos lost out to Ara Mansour .

14'   Hamid Masih tried to play it past Fakih Nazari but Fakih Nazari block tackled Hamid Masih .

15'   Yahya Shadid could not stop a confident Munir Tahan going past him.
  Munir Tahan curled the ball in at goal from distance. Osman Tuma wasn't quick enough to clear the ball from danger.
  Kadir Khoury failed to save the ball ... Munir Tahan scored a goal !!! ... He enjoyed that one !

Mutsamudu orient 1 - 0 Itsikoudi villa

16'   Hamid Masih shot from 30 yards but Faisal Bazzi charged down the shot.

17' Shakil Najjar had to come off injured.
Rimon Isa came on for the injured Shakil Najjar .

18'   Azad Qureshi tried to get past Guadalupe Gerges but Guadalupe Gerges succesfully won the ball from Azad Qureshi .

19'   Yahya Boulos swung the corner into the box.
  Azad Qureshi got his head to the ball and sent it across the goalmouth but Shah Shalhoub headed the ball clear.

20'   Yahya Shadid knocked a lovely ball for Osman Tuma , Osman Tuma trapped the ball nicely before Moroni Antoun could reach it.
  Osman Tuma put a low cross in to the far post, Munir Tahan tried to move and pick up the ball but he wasn't quick enough.
  Nuri Ba let the ball drop before hitting a spectacular half volley but Umar Boutros blocked the shot.

22'   Mohamed Sayegh whipped in the corner.
  Osman Tuma won the aerial challenge against Azad Qureshi , then headed it to the goal.
  Kadar Quraishi did well to parry it.

24'   Azad Qureshi stabbed the ball forward for a team-mate but it was a poor ball as he was under too much pressure from Yahya Shadid .

25'   Osman Tuma tried to take the ball past Moroni Antoun but Moroni Antoun cleanly tackled the ball.

26'   Munir Tahan tried to use his skill to go past Osman Tuma but Osman Tuma succesfully won the ball from Munir Tahan .

27'   Ara Mansour jinked confidently past Fakih Nazari .
  Ara Mansour lost the ball to Yahya Boulos 's block tackle before Ara Mansour attempted to deliver the ball.

28'   Munir Tahan tried to knock a long ball forward but it was intercepted by Yahya Shadid .

29'   Nuri Ba attempted to lob the ball forward but Faisal Bazzi intercepted the pass.

31'   Faisal Bazzi sent the corner kick straight to the opposition.

32'   Nuri Ba directed the ball nicely to Guadalupe Gerges , the ball was picked up by Guadalupe Gerges before Faisal Bazzi could reach it.
  Guadalupe Gerges tried to deliver the ball to a team-mate but he got too much purchase on it as he was under too much pressure from Asad Shalhoub .

34'   Hamid Masih block tackled Fakih Nazari before Fakih Nazari tried to get onto the pass.

35'   Ara Mansour dribbled confidently past Fakih Nazari .
  Ara Mansour tried to dribble past Yahya Boulos but Ara Mansour lost out to Yahya Boulos .

36'   Osman Tuma looked to play the ball long to a team-mate but Moroni Antoun found himself in the way of the ball.

37'   Yahya Boulos went across to take the corner but it was cut out easily by the opposition.

39'   Riyad Bitar twisted past Fakih Nazari .
  Riyad Bitar tried to take the ball past Yahya Boulos but Yahya Boulos blocked Riyad Bitar in a good, clean tackle.

40'   Nuri Ba attempted to feed the high ball but Asad Shalhoub read the game well to intercept the ball.

41'   Yahya Boulos tried to jink past Ara Mansour but Ara Mansour blocked Yahya Boulos in a good, clean tackle.

42'   Ara Mansour directed the ball to Yahya Shadid , Yahya Shadid trapped the ball nicely before Fakih Nazari could reach it.
  Yahya Shadid delivered the ball in from wide, Yahya Boulos failed to reach the ball.
  Umar Boutros won the ball in the air from Hamid Masih , then used his head to clear the ball.

43'   Fakih Nazari kicked the ball through Hamid Masih 'legs to Yahya Boulos !!!
  Yahya Boulos tried to use his skill to go past Ara Mansour but Yahya Boulos lost the ball to Ara Mansour 's block tackle.

44'   Shah Shalhoub 's corner was cut out easily by the opposition.

45'   Yahya Boulos tried to play a long ball but Ara Mansour intercepted but couldn't control.

It was the end of the first half which Itsikoudi villa were unfortunate to go in behind.Mutsamudu orient had 49% possession in the match, while Itsikoudi villa had 51%.

47'   Mohamed Sayegh twisted past Faisal Bazzi .
  Mohamed Sayegh hit the ball forward to Riyad Bitar , Riyad Bitar took it in his stride before Asad Shalhoub could intercept.
  Riyad Bitar shot with a bicycle kick but the shot was blocked by Umar Boutros .

48'   Nuri Ba tried to twist past Faisal Bazzi but Nuri Ba lost the ball to Faisal Bazzi 's block tackle.

49'   Yahya Boulos attempted to feed the high ball but Hamid Masih made a great interception.

50'   Guadalupe Gerges directed the ball nicely to Nuri Ba , the ball was picked up by Nuri Ba before Faisal Bazzi could reach it.
  Nuri Ba tried to get past Asad Shalhoub but Asad Shalhoub cleanly tackled the ball.

51'   Hamid Masih brought the ball over Asad Shalhoub .
  Riyad Bitar won the ball in the air from Azad Qureshi , then hit the ball with his head toward the goal.
  Kadar Quraishi tipped the ball acrobatically over the bar.

52'   Ara Mansour attempted to chip the ball forward but he overhit the pass as he was under too much pressure from Fakih Nazari .

53'   Corner taken by Nuri Ba and cut out by the opposition.

55'   Ara Mansour took the ball out of his own half,Fakih Nazari failed to intercept the pass.
  Mohamed Sayegh got above Azad Qureshi to win the ball, then nodded the ball forward.
  Shah Shalhoub tried to score but Umar Boutros did well to close down the space.

56'   Azad Qureshi gave the corner straight to the opposition.

58'   Nuri Ba made an attempt to move the ball forward but The ball came off Faisal Bazzi .

59'   Guadalupe Gerges tried to dribble past Faisal Bazzi but failed.

60'   Munir Tahan was outmuscled by Osman Tuma .
  Osman Tuma tried to sprint past Moroni Antoun but Moroni Antoun dispossessed Osman Tuma .

61'   Yahya Boulos jinked confidently past Hamid Masih .
  Yahya Boulos took the ball past Ara Mansour .
  Yahya Boulos delivered the ball in from wide, Hamid Masih failed to intercept the pass.
  Fakih Nazari jumped with Shah Shalhoub and won the ball, then headed it to the goal.
  Fakih Nazari was close, with the ball skimming the top of the bar ... He dropped to his knees

63'   Nuri Ba turned on the ball to leave Faisal Bazzi standing.
  Nuri Ba tried to direct the ball to a team-mate but he misjudged the pass as he was under too much pressure from Asad Shalhoub .

64'   Fakih Nazari swung the corner kick into the box. The goalkeeper punched the ball clear.

65'   Faisal Bazzi passed the ball to Asad Shalhoub , Asad Shalhoub took possession of the ball before Nuri Ba could intercept.
  Asad Shalhoub faked a shot before cutting Guadalupe Gerges in a different direction.
  Asad Shalhoub tried to pass the ball forward but he got too much purchase on it as he was under too much pressure from Gamal Hadad .

66'   Yahya Boulos shot a hopeful chance from long-range but Hamid Masih removed the danger.

67'   Ara Mansour hit it long to Mohamed Sayegh , Azad Qureshi failed to intercept the pass.
  Mohamed Sayegh lost the ball to Umar Boutros 's block tackle before Mohamed Sayegh attempted to fire off a shot.

68'   Nuri Ba tried to hit the ball forward to a team-mate but he overhit the pass as he was under too much pressure from Faisal Bazzi .

69'   Munir Tahan skipped easily past Yahya Shadid .
  Munir Tahan floated it into the area, Osman Tuma failed to intercept the pass.
  Shah Shalhoub climbed above Rimon Isa and retained possession.

71'   Ara Mansour directed the ball nicely to Hamid Masih , the ball was picked up by Hamid Masih before Fakih Nazari could intercept.
  Hamid Masih supplied a low cross, Yahya Boulos couldn't cut out the pass.
  Gamal Hadad got a shot in on the volley but Umar Boutros blocked the shot.

72'   Munir Tahan tried to loft the ball to a team-mate but his possession was lost through a tackle by Yahya Shadid .

73'   Munir Tahan tried to pass the ball forward but Yahya Shadid showed great composure in intercepting the ball.

74'   Faisal Bazzi passed the ball to Umar Boutros , Umar Boutros took possession of the ball before Nuri Ba could reach it.
  Umar Boutros hit the ball forward to Asad Shalhoub , Asad Shalhoub picked up on the ball before Guadalupe Gerges could reach it.
  Asad Shalhoub span past Nuri Ba .
  Asad Shalhoub found a perfect spot and chipped the ball goalwards. Gamal Hadad couldn't reach it.
  Kadir Khoury beat the ball away.

75'   Poor corner kick delivered by Wasim Nahas that went straight to the opposition.

77'   Umar Boutros went across to take the corner but it was cut out easily by the opposition.

79'   Munir Tahan passed the ball to Moroni Antoun , Moroni Antoun took it in his stride before Yahya Shadid could reach it.
  Moroni Antoun tried to whip in a float cross but Osman Tuma read the game well to intercept the ball.

80'   Guadalupe Gerges tried to sprint past Asad Shalhoub but Asad Shalhoub blocked Guadalupe Gerges .

81'   Ara Mansour faked a shot before cutting Fakih Nazari in a different direction.
  Ara Mansour tried to skip past Yahya Boulos but Ara Mansour lost out to Yahya Boulos .

82'   Osman Tuma tried to direct the ball to a team-mate but Moroni Antoun cut it out.

83' Azad Qureshi was shown a yellow card.
  Corner taken by Ara Mansour .
  Gamal Hadad headed it across the goal but Umar Boutros used his head to clear the ball.

84'   Faisal Bazzi gave the corner straight to the opposition.

85'   Nuri Ba went across to take the corner but it was cut out easily by the opposition.

86'   Asad Shalhoub attempted to loft the ball to a team-mate but Guadalupe Gerges had no problem in intercepting the ball.

87'   Nuri Ba tried to take the ball past Faisal Bazzi but Faisal Bazzi cleanly tackled the ball.

89'   Munir Tahan put some curve on the shot from long range. Osman Tuma approached too late to tackle him.
  Kadir Khoury managed to get himself between the ball and the goal.

90'   Osman Tuma powered past Munir Tahan !.
  Osman Tuma tried to skip past the challenge of Moroni Antoun but Moroni Antoun succesfully won the ball from Osman Tuma .

91' Gamal Hadad was shown a yellow card.

92' Yahya Boulos received a yellow card.

End Match Mutsamudu orient 1 - 0 Itsikoudi villa
Match formation























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Match stats
Statistics      Mutsamudu orient Itsikoudi villa     
Shots 4
Shots on target 3
Long shots 2
Possession 47%
Corners 8
Offside 0

Goals      Mutsamudu orient Itsikoudi villa     
from Heading
(include goals from corner)
from Long shots 1
from Free Kicks 0
from Corners 0
from Penalty 0
Efficiency in selected tactics
     Mutsamudu orient   Itsikoudi villa     
Average Ability of players (AAoP)
(Player Ability x ENV)
Creative Freedom
Closing Down
Average performance of players
(AAoP+Efficiency tactics)
Post-match Player Stats

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