1 - 5 |
EmilianoMar#Tim |
(FT)' |
FC Chelsea |
Match ID : 31012784 |
Date : 04/01/2025 (14:00 UTC) |
Venue : EmilianoMar#Tim Stadium |
Weather Forecast : Warm |
Attendance : 25000 |
Competition : League(B-1) |
1' |
Poor corner kick delivered by Urbano Ortiz that went straight to the opposition. |
7' |
Tjaard Van Rompuy tried to float the ball over into the area but it was too high for anyone to reach it. |
But Adal Haidalla put it narrowly over ... He buried his face in his hands. |
The ball went sailing over the crossbar ... It was a terrible miss. |
17' |
Artijon Sava lifted the corner kick into the area but it was cleared by the opposition. |
The assistant referee raised his flag...Cane Peev was offside. |
David Ferdinandov tried to save but he spilled the ball! ... Dobos Rares scored. It was a fantastic move and finish !!! ... He sent the fans into raptures ! |
Laris Shkelyim lost his man and found himself with plenty of room and hit it high and hard towards goal. Dobre Slavkovski didn't read the game well enough to block it. |
The ball went clean over the bar ... It was an unbelievable miss. |
However, Tjaard Van Rompuy put it well over the bar ... He was angry with himself for missing that chance. |
45' |
Sare Tuntev looked to play the ball long to a team-mate but he overhit the pass as he was under too much pressure from Ivica Cvetanovski. |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The referee blew for the end of the half which FC Chelsea took the lead.EmilianoMar#Tim maintained 35% of possession and 65% for FC Chelsea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Good play by Artijon Sava in making himself some space and tried an optimistic effort at goal. Tome Simjanoski approached too late to tackle him. |
But it was well wide of the goal ... It was a terrible miss. |
53' |
The referee reached into his pocket and showed a yellow card to Janko Daskalov. |
But it was horribly wide of the target ... He hung his head in shame for missing what was such an easy chance. |
62' |
Cane Peev sent the corner kick straight to the opposition. |
64' |
Sare Tuntev fired in the freekick. The wall deflected the shot and the ball went wide. |
67' |
Vase Dzajkov tried to knock a long ball forward but his possession was lost through a tackle by Cane Peev. |
But Artijon Sava scooped it well over the crossbar ... He's kicked himself for missing that chance. |
Good play by Adal Haidalla in making himself some space and unleashed a fierce drive high at goal. Travers Albert approached too late to tackle him. |
the ball went into the net despite of Bernhard Klapka's attempts to clear the ball away. ... A fine goal all round by Adal Haidalla !!! ... He ran over to the fans in celebration ! |
87' |
Gjorgija Zlatareski swung the corner kick into the box. The goalkeeper punched the ball clear. |
Statistics |
EmilianoMar#Tim |
FC Chelsea |
Shots |
3 |
19 |
Shots on target |
1 |
12 |
Long shots |
1 |
4 |
Possession |
35% |
65% |
Corners |
2 |
6 |
Offside |
0 |
4 |
Goals |
EmilianoMar#Tim |
FC Chelsea |
from Heading (include goals from corner) |
0 |
0 |
from Long shots |
0 |
0 |
from Free Kicks |
0 |
0 |
from Corners |
0 |
0 |
from Penalty |
0 |
0 |
EmilianoMar#Tim |
FC Chelsea |
Average Ability of players (AAoP) (Player Ability x ENV) |
Nothing |
Philosophy |
Nothing |
Creative Freedom |
Nothing |
Closing Down |
Marking |
Nothing |
Roaming |
Average performance of players (AAoP+Efficiency tactics) |
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